Fire drillsTo be legally compliant, you must carry out two fire drills each year.

The expert team at GWL offers a comprehensive fire consultancy service to review and hone your Fire Drills.

GWL offers expert input to make each fire drill as efficient as possible, giving everyone confidence in what they need to do and when, in line with fire safety legal requirements.

From thorough preparation with your team to a full report of findings, you’ll receive:

  • professional fire drill feedback
  • expert recommendations to improve your fire drills

Importantly, we are independent with no formal links to equipment manufacturers or service suppliers: our recommendations are completely unbiased.

Our expert team will:

  • organise your fire drill
  • attend on the day
  • control safety checks and your fire alarm system
  • provide a full debrief on the day
  • send you a detailed written report, satisfying your fire safety legal obligation

Feedback covers all the areas you expect: key contacts, communication, employees’ roles, timings – and more.

Importantly, we offer updates and advice about fire safety legislation.

If you need further support, we can help with fire risk assessments, emergency plans and fire training.

Remember: all our clients receive on-going verbal advice. We are always just a phone call away.

Based in south east England, just north of London in the Home Counties, GWL operates nationally.

Contact us for a no obligation chat about how we can help you meet fire safety requirements in the best way for your organisation – and your budget.