Emergency plansEmergency Plans: a requirement of Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

You have a legal obligation to set a structured emergency plan. This must include an evacuation procedure.  GWL can help.

Our years of experience within fire safety will identify the most efficient and practical emergency plan for your organisation’s fire safety procedure.

By working with GWL, you’ll have complete peace of mind that your fire safety legal requirements are met: with safety and cost efficiency. As an independent fire consultancy, cost reduction whilst maintaining compliant fire safety practices is our strength.

Emergency plans include:

  • A structured evacuation procedure
  • Allocation of specific roles and responsibilities during and after emergencies
  • Identification of emergency meeting places
  • Details of escape routes within your own and adjoining buildings
  • Defined care of vulnerable persons

All of this is delivered within an easy to read format. Every emergency plan is bespoke to the site involved. Every client receives on-going verbal advice and support. We are always just a phone call away.

Further assistance is available to support emergency plans – such as fire safety training, fire extinguisher training and help with fire drills.

Contact us and see how we can help you – there’s no commitment involved and you’ll be impressed by our knowledge and cost saving potential.

Whilst we are based near London in Herts, we offer fire safety assistance throughout the UK.